Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Bioweapon development, deployment, and operations are internationally prohibited by the 1972 Bioweapon Treaty, which was agreed, ratified, and signed by the United States. Known illegal uses of the existing "secret" (no longer quite so secret) illegal bioweapon and bioweapon delivery system have resulted in indirect (terrorist) retaliation.
Internationally prohibited, bioweapon use has and still does present grave risks of direct (military) retaliation, to and including nuclear counterstrikes against our homeland, for our illegal offensive neurowarfare bioweapon strikes on other nation-states' civilian and military leadership targets in paracyber attacks by intelligence and/or military assets of the United States government.
Our Constitution assigns the power to authorize the conduct of OFFENSIVE operations against other nations to Congress in Article I Section 8, Clause 11 "declare war." Our Founders, who generally opposed "foreign entanglements," mostly agreed this meant the President could act without specific authorization if the operation is defensive, limited in scope and purpose, and some relevant Congressional authorization had been given. NO ONE PERSON, regardless of title, can legitimately blunder the United States into a war.
Under international law, nation-state retaliations for acts of war are supposed to be proportional to the initial attack upon them and directed at military targets. But, as a practical matter, acts of war can be met by any level of retaliation determined by the adversary to be within their own means. In modern times, this means nuclear weapons on targets of the adversary’s choice, such as American cities, is not beyond the realm of possible retaliations for our acts of war.
Trump Administration Began With Mutual Positive Relations With China (PRC)
January 2017: Trump administration entered office with Tillerson as Secretary of State, Pompeo as CIA Director, Mattis as Secretary of Defense.
April 2017: People’s Republic of China (PRC) beef ban was lifted after 13 years as a positive gesture toward the US. A general opening of China toward the US and reductions of tensions - other than naval dominance, reconnaissance, surveillance, and Taiwan status issues - prevailed in US/PRC relations.
April 2018: Tillerson resigned as Secretary of State, replaced by CIA Director Pompeo.
May 2018: Gina Haspel, career CIA and Deputy Director under Pompeo, was confirmed as CIA Director, and served through the end of the Trump administration in 2021.
Trump Administration Made 2018 Hardline Policy Pivot In US Approach To PRC
June 2018: Trump administration imposed high tariffs on certain Chinese goods and made a broad policy flip in posture and tone toward China (PRC) as Pompeo entered as Secretary of State.
Based upon veiled comments during and after the December 2018 Mattis resignation, Trump had plausibly met strong resistance from Defense Secretary Mattis in the second half of 2018 related to offensive operations against PRC leadership and PLA military targets. (PLA is the People’s Liberation Army - all land, naval, air, and space forces of the PRC’s military are part of the PLA.)
US Began Illegal Offensive Acts Of War Against PRC In Later 2018 Using Internationally Prohibited Bioweapon
Fourth Quarter 2018 (estimated) through 2020: Trump administration conducted constitutionally prohibited bioweapon neurowarfare offensive operations against those in PRC leadership who were deemed moderate and thus more vulnerable to bioweapon operations. This assault on the Premier, and probably on other moderates, began with CIA use of the illegal bioweapon remotely in a gradual attitudinal/behavioral shaping campaign directed at those targets.
Combined operations were phased in (or accelerated from prior pacing) to target PLA military’s missile forces command structure with bioweapon hacks, accompanying a rocket system fueling sabotage/corruption campaign.
These latter operations occurred after the January 2019 US transition from SecDef Mattis to a sequence of Acting Secretaries of Defense. These offensive actions against PLA military leadership and operations were clearly offensive acts of war against national sovereignty and military targets without Congressional authorization of any kind. This violates the clear separation of powers as the Constitution’s Article I, Section 8 clause 11 reserves the power to “declare war,” which offensive operations clearly are, to Congress alone..
The unilateral powers of the Commander-In-Chief (President) were intentionally limited by the Founders to defensive actions, which are limited in scope and duration, and have been previously authorized to some extent by explicit Congressional action. A retired general officer such as Mattis serving in the SecDef role would likely regard this clear bright traditional constitutional line far more seriously, and be far more likely to refuse an illegal order, than the civilian Acting SecDef Shanahan who had succeeded Mattis, was trying to maintain presidential favor, and win confirmation to the SecDef role.
Offensive operations against PRC sovereign nation leadership targets and military targets crossed the clear constitutional boundary of Article I Section 8 clause 11 “declare war” constitutional line somewhere after this point.
January 2019: Mattis resigned as Secretary of Defense (SecDef), and was followed by a series of Acting Secretaries of Defense:
Shanahan January - June 2019
Esper June – July 2019
Spencer July – September 2019
July 2019: Shanahan withdrew his SecDef nomination. Esper was confirmed as Secretary of Defense, and served until after November 2020 election, then resigned.
The recurrent high-level Security and Diplomatic Dialogue with PRC was abandoned by the Trump administration in 2019. DOD to PLA bilateral communications effectively ceased in the second half of 2019, significantly increasing the chances of inadvertent escalation in the event of a miscalculation by either side, particularly in naval operations in the Strait of Taiwan and South China Sea.
FBI Publicly Exposed Illegal Bioweapon Existence To PRC And Others During Its 2020-21 NYC Counterintelligence Operation While Exploiting Assets CIA Had Used In Uighur Religious Freedom Investigation
August 2020: FBI’s NYC Counterintelligence (CI) unit openly exposed the CIA’s Uighur investigation RMC commercial cover operation and its principal by using RMC as a China connection in its illegal enterprise disruption racketeering operation against Sheldon Beef. This startup entity is controlled by Dennis Brewer, the lead plaintiff in litigation and a key victim of the illegal US bioweapon program, who has experienced decades of unwitting cover company employment, human trafficking, and other illegal racketeering acts conducted by US police powers operations in their extended cover-up of the illegal bioweapon since the 1960s. FBI CI intended to use this connection to attempt to identify any Chinese intelligence assets who may have been surveilling RMC and its principal in the greater NYC area in 2020-2021, well after the CIA’s Uighur operations investigation in mainland China had been completed and those CIA assets withdrawn to the US, so FBI could exploit those leads for its own counterintelligence purposes.
Exposing assets from past foreign intelligence operations is done selectively but is a completely normal type of CI operation undertaken by most sophisticated intelligence services in their home countries. Dennis and another of his entities was also used by FBI CI in Phoenix to backcheck the CIA's retired Moscow station chief several years before this 2020-21 operation. But, by doing so in NYC, FBI CI, with the collaboration of CIA NYC operations, gave PRC intelligence in NYC a definitive lead to a principal US victim of this illegal bioweapon, and thereby the key to the existence and operational modes of the illegal and internationally prohibited bioweapon itself as it was being illegally deployed in the PRC against targets there.
FBI CI exists because foreign embassies exist in the US just as in nearly all national capitals, foreign consulates are located in many major cities around the world, and espionage (what we euphemistically call "commercial cover" operations when we do them) is an element of international statecraft - it always has been. There are 180 plus national consulates in NYC related to the United Nations headquarters there. Nearly all embassies and consulates house both diplomatic representatives and personnel engaged in intelligence acquisition in the host country by exploiting their diplomatic immunity to local laws in the host country. Personnel working in embassies and consulates can typically be expelled in certain circumstances but cannot be charged with a crime for most activities they undertake in the host country. PRC's intelligence presence and assets in NYC are typical of such foreign country consulate operations. The US has similar facilities and operations in the PRC, Russia, and in many other countries.
US Joint Chiefs Chairman Succeeded In De-Escalation Of 2020 Tensions With PLA As Illegal Bioweapon And Unilateral US Illegal Acts of War Remained Secret
October 2020: General Milley, Chair, Joint Chiefs of Staff conducted leadership level military to military conversations with PLA leaders to de-escalate tensions over Trump administration public comments related to China during the election season. This set of tensions included the openly considered possibility of a surprise US attack on China.
In 1945, the US used a nuclear weapon to destroy Nagasaki, one of the two sites ever bombed with nuclear weapons, and only about 500 miles from Shanghai, China's largest city, population 22 million. Shanghai is about the same distance from Nagasaki as New York City is from Detroit or San Diego is from San Francisco.
In the 1950s during the Korean War, the United States actively considered an offensive strike inside China, using more than two dozen nuclear weapons, to radioactively poison a broad swath of southern China to prevent PLA soldiers from reinforcing North Korean soldiers, who had been pushed back and were fighting at, or just a few dozen miles south, of the Chinese border.
During the 1960s until about 1975, America's nuclear capable B-52 bombers regularly flew within twenty miles of the southern Chinese border while bombing North Vietnam.
No modern Chinese leader can completely disregard this decades-long history of prior attacks on neighboring countries in the region by the United States in a moment of high tension between the two nations.
It would have been unclear to Milley and the US in October 2020 whether PRC or PLA intelligence services had already detected the then on-going secret illegal US unilateral offensive acts of war against specific PRC government leaders using the illegal bioweapon, and against the PLA rocket forces. The FBI CI/CIA operation in NYC (described above), which had started in August 2020, was intended to entice and expose the PRC intelligence network in the NYC region for FBI CI exploitation and roll-up. But this attempt to entice PRC Intelligence in NYC added the extremely grave risk that the illegal bioweapon’s use against PRC targets which was already underway in China would be discovered by PRC Intelligence at the very moment when PRC’s distrust and concern about a surprise attack by the US on PRC were already at their highest. This added even more uncertainty to the already grave risk of an extreme escalation due to a miscalculation by PRC about the likelihood of a surprise attack. Non-recallable ICBM nuclear weapons are no more than 30 minutes from launch to detonation over their targeted locations which include major cities in both nations. This risk of illegal bioweapon discovery and detection of use inside China by PRC Intelligence continued throughout the tense US/PRC relationship during the remaining three months of the Trump administration and for months after that.
November 2020: SecDef Esper resigned after November 3, 2020 election. Miller served as Acting SecDef from November 9, 2020 to January 20, 2021, end of Trump term.
November 12, 2020: General Milley’s speech at Fort Meyer, Virginia, base auditorium, the location of residences of many senior military leaders in the Pentagon, reminded the military, and the public, of the US military’s oath and the military’s defined constitutional role nine days after the election, and after Trump’s initial series of stolen election comments.
January 2021: Milley continued conversations with senior PLA leaders to de-escalate tensions over Trump public comments (and the illegal secret unilateral acts of war against PRC leadership and the PLA, now considered likely to have been still undetected by PRC and PLA).
Bioweapon Operations Were Confirmed In 2021 Independent Tests By Key Victim, Followed By PRC Intelligence
Beginning Early 2021: During early through mid-2021, Dennis, previously an unwitting key US bioweapon victim since the 1960s, conducted initial field tests confirming the bioweapon's existence and scope of functions. CIA or other operator tradecraft errors facilitated repeatability during early tests. This repeatability definitively confirmed it was an actual bioweapon rather than simply some set of personal neurological problems. Since these acts against US citizens are criminal illegal conduct, he began a process intended to permit self-defense while still inside the long-running racketeering operations conducted to conceal the illegal bioweapon and maintain the involuntary servitude of this key victim. Self-defense is the absolute legal right of all citizens including against corrupt and illegal government police powers, intelligence, and military operations.
Dennis was then able to develop a preliminary understanding of the bioweapon’s current functional scope of operations through further field experiments. In Spring 2021, he initiated a public information FOIA request sequence which was met by official silence (from DOD, CIA, DOJ, among others) and official lies (FBI, NYPD, DOD) over the next six months. He also conducted his own forensic reverse engineering discovery process, using recollections of his own direct experiences as a victim, to develop an evolutionary history of bioweapon capabilities, and to identify the underlying technologies and basic neuroscience advances which had enabled this evolution across the preceding decades. A summary of that illegal bioweapon evolution is shown in the table at
CIA's NYC area bioweapon field operators, cooperating with FBI CI personnel in field operations, then engaged in a brazen pattern of exposing themselves in public places while they conducted field brain hacking operations on the victim in an attempt to provoke the victim into physically retaliating against them for entrapment purposes, studiously ignored by the victim. But this was enough for PRC intelligence to begin to build the connection by simple field observation of these operations - which were occurring in a moment of particularly high tension between the US and PRC, incited by the US hardline policy pivot which had started in mid-2018.
PRC Intelligence In NYC Picked Up FBI CI And CIA Exploitation Of RMC Assets, Eventually Made Crossover Connection To Illegal Unilateral US Operations Inside PRC
PRC intelligence in NYC, exploiting this RMC counterintelligence baiting operation started in August 2020 (above) and these brazen field operations on the victim by NYC FBI CI and the CIA station there, likely made the bioweapon crossover connection to their own country's vulnerability to this bioweapon system sometime between early 2021 and early 2023, most probably in late 2021 or early 2022. At some early point in their process, PRC intelligence’s technical analysis advanced to the point where it included the signals analysis needed to detect the bioweapon’s modes of field operations – its burst style energy pulses which are the actual targeted brain hacking process. This allowed them to verify its use inside PRC against specific targets – figuring out who among their 1.4 billion people were the most likely targets, and then meticulously tracking these bioweapon energy pulse bursts for confirmation.
These US government bioweapon operations did, and still do, violate both federal criminal laws and the 1972 international Bioweapon Treaty which the US negotiated to ban all such weapons and their delivery systems for all time in all places. Despite this solemn international agreement and federal law, the US government has continued illegally developing its bioweapon using abusive and sometimes deadly experiments on American children and adults, including abusing our own active duty military personnel and veterans, and perpetuating the DOJ racketeering associated-in-fact enterprise which sustains illegal involuntary servitude of citizens – and still does.
1972 Bioweapon Treaty signed by President Nixon:
January 2021: End of Trump Administration - PRC Blocked All Communications And Contacts Between PLA And US DOD
Early 2021: PRC dictated that no communication was permitted by PLA with DOD. This was independently confirmed by news reports that three meeting attempts made by Secretary of Defense Austin had been refused by the PLA as of May 2021. Former SecDef Mattis had held such meetings routinely as recently as 2019 with the same PLA leader.
Third Quarter 2021: Walter Haberer (aka Simon), principal of ABT, made stray out of context corruption comments related to fake Chinese procurement opportunities presented by him as principal of one of three international trading firms (now known as fake FBI cover operations and part of a larger FBI enterprise disruption racketeering operation against this victim which also incorporated RMC, above) which Sheldon Beef was working with beginning in 2020. This was almost certainly a “stray” tradecraft comment relating to the PRC Rocket forces water for fuel sabotage operations not yet discovered by PLA, which later resulted in public replacement of PLA rocket force commanders in mid-2023.
Trump 2021 Projection Comments Amounted To Confession Of Illegal Unilateral Acts Of War
September 2021: Trump made public comments calling General Milley a “traitor” for Milley’s conversations with the PLA in October 2020 and January 2021, which had de-escalated PRC and PLA fears of a surprise attack in the waning days of the Trump administration. This is a classic form of psychological projection, a behavior pattern which Trump has used repeatedly to project blame for acts he has undertaken onto other people and institutions. In this case, this was plausible confirmation by projection of acts against the PRC leadership and PLA during the Trump administration - a de facto psychological projection style of confession.
PRC Conducted Summer 2023 Hardline Leadership Shakeup, Sidelined PRC Moderates
July 2023: PLA Rocket Forces Commanding Generals were replaced. Rockets are the PLA’s primary strategic nuclear weapon delivery platform due to PLAN’s (PLA Navy) relatively nascent current offensive submarine force structure.
PRC’s current Foreign Minister was also replaced by the return of a former Foreign Minister.
US Confirmed Bioweapon Leak To PRC With 2023 NYC Visual Leaks, Retaliatory Attack On Key Bipweapon Victim
July 2023: In NYC, the key bioweapon victim experienced an extensive series of ethnic Chinese used in visual leaks by FBI and/or CIA, including several nuclear football carries (portrayed in public spaces by watermelons and similar objects), which occurred from late Spring into Summer 2023, as the PRC’s public facing leadership transition was beginning.
August 13, 2023: In NYC, Dennis, a key bioweapon victim, experienced a subway tunnel blocking and flash rage bioweapon biohack while walking east in the pedestrian subway access tunnel under 41st Street from the Port Authority Bus Terminal to catch a 7 line train. This biohack attack was almost certainly initiated by CIA NY station bioweapon field operators as direct personal retaliation and confirmation regarding the PRC leadership and PLA rocket forces detection and countermeasures by PRC which had resulted from the FBI CI and CIA RMC exploitation described above.
Burns, as CIA Director, would have ample reason to direct CIA NY station to conduct this retaliation, and other operations against Dennis beginning in February 2021 after Burns was confirmed as CIA Director. Burns was covert CIA S&T Directorate bioweapon program manager, and personally acquainted face-to-face with Dennis from the 1980s until around 1993. Burns was directly involved in the fraudulent employment, martial wrecking of his first marriage in 1987/88, orchestrating the introduction and his sham second marriage between 1988 and 2005, and other illegal acts of involuntary servitude and racketeering. Dennis lived directly across the street from the Heffron residence (actually a cover name and residence used by Burns) in Kirkland, Washington, with the assigned secretly coerced enlisted soldier "wife" assigned by Army under Colonel Wilkins initially, then Vindman and Austin later, from 1990 until 2005.
August 29, 2023: A water hammer (pump stall, air induction, pump restart, compressed air hammer break of water line) was the likely cause of a broken major waterline over the 7 line train, near the station used by bioweapon victim on August 13. This disrupted 7 line train service for several hours. It was plausibly conducted by a PLA cyber team as PRC/PLA’s indirect confirmation of the bioweapon assaults, and PRC intelligence's indirect sourcing of that information as a result of the FBI/CIA RMC CI operation (above), which had led to detection by PRC intelligence.
PRC Completed Hardline Leadership Shakeup In Key October 2023 CCP Meeting, Finishing CCP Moderates
October 2023: The former Chinese Premier experienced a reported heart issue on the closing day of the Chinese Communist Party’s annual October meeting and was very publicly led away from his position next to Chairman Xi while the closing sessions were underway, stopping briefly to speak to Xi and to his successor as Premier.
This CCP October meeting was followed by then current Premier experiencing a fatal “heart attack” soon thereafter. Considered a moderate when compared to hardline Xi, the current Premier had focused on economic development during his uncompleted term in office. As the Premier’s funeral preparations were being reported, Chinese state media and censors advised there was to be no veneration of the Premier after his death.
This act completed the CCP leadership transition consolidation to hardliners, in CCP leadership and the PLA, and a more confrontational attitude toward the US. This hardline transformation of PRC leadership was the net result of the 2019-2020 offensive acts of war illegally conducted by the Trump administration without the Congressional authorization required by the Constitution in Article I Section 8 clause 11. A more hardline attitude prevails among superpowers, leading to less cooperation and more confrontation. Blundering into foreign entanglements was the key reason our Founders required Congressional approval for acts of war – so such grave national acts would be considered by at least a majority of the country’s directly elected leaders, not be blundered into by any one individual in any elected office.
October 2023: DOD denounced a PLAAF (PLA Air Force) fighter’s extremely close pass within ten feet of the wing of a B-52 bomber. The PLAAF fighter aircraft's purposeful extremely close pass was most probably nation-state tradecraft intended to send an aggressive reply message to the US. Undertaken in full view of the world by the hardliners now more firmly in charge, PRC and PLA leaders wanted to send the US a message about the severity and seriousness of the threats to the PRC posed by the surreptitious US neurowarfare attacks on its leadership and by the PLA rocket forces liquid fueling corruption/sabotage campaign undertaken against its ICBM nuclear missiles.
November 2023: Most normal military to military and other communications began to resume between PLA and DOD after the Xi/Biden San Francisco summit. Open channels of communication with adversaries is important to prevent accidents and unauthorized reckless individual acts from escalating out of the control of command authority and spiraling to major confrontations. Trade between competitor and adversary nations increases the possibility of successful conflict resolution because both countries have an economic stake in a positive outcome.
FBI Director Confirmed PRC Cyber Countermeasures To Defend Against Any Future Attempted US Bioweapon Attack On PRC
January 2024: FBI Director Wray confirmed a systematic pattern of Chinese cyber intrusion into US infrastructure in testimony to Congress, lending further credence to August 29, 2023 as a deliberate PRC cyber attack to break the waterline and disrupt NYC 7 line train service that day, referenced above.
CIA Attempted 2024 US Disinformation Campaign To Conceal Its Role In Illegal Acts Of War Against PRC And PLA
Summer 2024: False stories have recently been planted in the key bioweapon victim’s newsfeeds in an attempt to confuse dates, timing, and precise locations of events, including through the use of visual leaks. These are deliberate CIA disinformation intended to attempt to hide the tradecraft rhymes readily available in publicly sourced information, and the directly disclosed visual leaks to the key bioweapon victim which occurred during those original events. This too is typical tradecraft – US government conflation and disinformation which targets Americans, not just others.
Accurate histories of events are deliberately obscured by the US government - to hide embarrassing failures and illegal acts which expose our nation to existential threats through unilateral unconstitutional acts such as these - despite the necessity for Americans to understand our nation's overall policy choices so we can elect the leaders who will provide the direction we would freely prefer. Access to accurate information about the overall course of decision making is our First Amendment right – so we can make intelligent decisions about our government’s policies and make the leadership choices necessary to sustain our democracy.
September 25, 2024 – For the first time in 44 years, PLA Rocket Forces launched an ICBM from its nuclear missile program with a dummy warhead several thousand miles into the Pacific Ocean. The Chinese Foreign Ministry subsequently reiterated the PRC's diplomatic demand that all nuclear armed nations sign a "no first use of nuclear weapons" policy pledge to the world.
Unilateral Offensive Acts Of War By A US President Are Unconstitutional And Illegal Provocations Which Pose Threats Of Existential Retaliation On Americans
The illegal use of the internationally prohibited bioweapon by a President acting without constitutional authority was, fortunately for us, met this time with a measured response from the newly more hardline PRC leadership. As then FBI Director Wray explained to Congress, PRC leadership decided for the time being to exploit US civilian infrastructure cyberhacking vulnerabilities as its insurance policy against any future neurowarfare attacks by the US. PRC has systematically engaged in collecting the required information, identifying the required access points and methods for cyberhacking intrusions into the vulnerable US civilian computer systems infrastructure which controls water systems, the electrical grid, petroleum pipelines, and other soft target civilian infrastructure. A few weeks of systematic cyberhacking disruptions of water lines, the electric power distribution grid, and major pipelines which carry fuel supplies and natural gas would bring the entire US economy to its knees within months. There is no quick or easy fix for these vulnerabilities - the fixes to harden these systems from cyberhacks will take years. For now, that's become the PRC's insurance policy and deterrent against such future illegal acts of war by a US president acting unilaterally and without constitutional authority against China’s national interests.
The Founders were very clear – the constitutional separation of powers was intended to remove the possibility that ANY single individual would be able to blunder the US into a war with a foreign power. The outcome of the US unconstitutional unilateral acts against PRC from mid-2018 into at least early 2021 could have been far worse. As a practical matter, acts of war can be met by any level of retaliation determined by the adversary to be within their own means. The use of nuclear weapons against a selection of targets of their choice, including American cities, is not beyond the realm of the possible. We have done that very thing ourselves in the past - in Japan in World War II just 500 miles from Shanghai, China's largest city.
Note that downloads are routinely hacked, typically by CIA or Army Cyber. Words are changed, grammar is modified to nonsensical phrasing, and inaccurate text may be inserted.