Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Army conscientious objectors, who have served in the Army Medical Corps since the early 1950s are known victims, as are their children. For example, Dennis Brewer, his three surviving siblings, and one sister dead at 11 years of malicious medical malpractice, are the children of an Army medic. Dennis was first illegally trafficked for a secret hormone hacking medical experiment in 1968 at age 12.
Dennis' dead sister was killed with induced brain swelling (Reye Syndrome) in 1970 as part of this process. Her surviving twin deliberately injured with an bioweapon sniper shot induced fall and head strike on a metal pipe just a few months later.
Another extended family member was killed at 18 in a tools of violence test using a new generation of the illegal bioweapon. See the Case Summary and paragraphs 803 and 805 available on the Courts Reject Federal Law page for more information on this pattern.
LGBTQIA who served before or during "Don't Ask Don't Tell" are known victims. See Complaint paragraphs 2-4 (medics and conscientious objectors), 610 (LGBTQIA) available on the
Courts Reject Federal Law page for more information on how human brains are hacked by this secret bioweapon.
Betrayed spouse of an embittered senior officer - police or military? Dennis Brewer's first spouse was biohacked out of their marriage using oxytocin (love hormone) shortly after two stepkids went off to college. Her first two marriages and divorces had been to the children's well-connected police powers command officer father. See Facts B paragraph 609 on the Courts Reject Federal Law page. A betrayal, bitter divorce, and the right insider connections may be enough for the targeting of a former spouse.
Domestic and other violence can be triggered with biohacked extreme adrenaline surges, which is the biochemical signature of "fight or flight". This technique can be used to fuel jealous rages, even to provoke non-violent people to act out violently. People have been killed using this form of biohack. See Complaint paragraphs 803 and 805 available on the Courts Reject Federal Law page for more information on this tool of manipulated violence.
Think you might be a victim? See our practical suggestions at the bottom of this page.
FBI has and does target all kinds of activists - civil rights, religious, anti-war, organic food, book authors, farmers, libertarians, anti-capitalists, and others it deems as non-establishment activists, by infiltrating and spying in their groups, such as farmer and consumer cooperatives, community organizations, conservative and liberal religious groups (Quakers among them, Complaint paragraphs 409-430 on the
Courts Reject Federal Law page, other religions probable though not yet identified), and other organizations engaged in non-violent legal activism for equal rights, civil rights, anti-racism, supremacy, and pacifism, among others, for decades.
My own father was secretly unwittingly employed to destroy evidence of Cointelpro violence in California in 1961-1963. See Complaint paragraphs 2, 9, 25, 36, 51, 404-408, 409-430 available on the
Courts Reject Federal Law page for more information on Cointelpro and this type of continued illegal targeting of legal activities.
FBI and DOJ fishing expeditions continue to violate the Fourth Amendment mandate that "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, papers, houses, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated...." as they engage in general searches through their undercover intrusions into places where they have no reasonable suspicion of criminal illegal activity which would justify the intrusion, using personnel placed in, and sometime orchestrating, illegal acts.
Think you might be a victim? See our practical suggestions at the bottom of this page.
Simply being high profile, too popular, too beautiful, or too talented can make you a target of illegal federal government bioweapon brain hacks.
Oxytocin, the love hormone produced in the brain, has been hacked and abused in Dennis and other family members to control and destroy relationships, including two marriages. His first wife, Lynne, was biohacked using oxytocin into the arms of the installer of the cell phone equipment box which had been used in a remotely triggered intense melatonin (sleep hormone) surge double-homicide attempt on Dennis and Lynne near Porteau Cove, British Columbia.
Complaint paragraph 694 details the remotely triggered double-homicide attempt which preceded the marriage destruction, soon after the children of a high ranking police officer and Lynne, his double ex-wife, left the family home of Dennis and Lynne.
The second marriage resulted from a carefully orchestrated CIA/Army introduction, which was boosted to a romance by oxytocin manipulation soon after the introduction. Two years later, another sham wedding was used to prime the sham marriage of Dennis to this other victim, a criminally compromised and coerced Army enlisted female, threatened with prosecution for sexual orientation during the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell " era.
The wedding party and poser in-law relatives were FBI agents, Army officers, other federal minders, and their families, all organized and orchestrated by Army, CIA, and DOJ/FBI. The 15 year marriage was filled with struggles, a series of programmed months-long separations on command, and business and career failures. These key government frauds, which led to and sustained the sham relationship for over 17 years in total, were complete mysteries to Dennis until he forensically unraveled this aspect of the corrupt bioweapon and racketeering program in 2023-24.
See Complaint paragraphs 608-610, available on the
Courts Reject Federal Law page for more information on how relationships are manufactured and destroyed with hacked oxytocin.
Think you might be a victim? See our practical suggestions at the bottom of this page.
Brain hacks can trigger extreme rage and provoke assaults and other violence in some people who do not know they are being brain hacked into violent acts against others. Brain hacks can cause falls, disrupt heart rhythms, and all kinds of other natural body rhythms in ways that look completely natural but have orchestrated outcomes. See Complaint paragraphs 614-619, 694-710 available on the
Courts Reject Federal Law page for more information on provocations and medical emergencies triggered by the secret bioweapon brain hacks.
Think you might be a victim? See our practical suggestions at the bottom of this page.
Federal police powers, operating as fake customers, investors, business partners, employees, cover company suppliers, banks, factors, and other lenders have and do infiltrate legitimate businesses – large and small. They target small businesses for financial destruction by overextending and cutting off credit, forcing personal guarantees to secure credit, contract and receivables fraud, forced legal fights and debt compromises, deprivation of SBA benefits, and other illegal acts which can and have destroyed small businesses and sabotaged the operations and systems of larger businesses.
See Complaint paragraphs 639-693 available on the
Courts Reject Federal Law page for a practical guide to these illegal racketeering methods for illegal spying and financial sabotage and destruction of businesses by federal police powers, sometimes cooperating with state and local police powers in these targeted actions.
Think you might be a victim? See our practical suggestions at the bottom of this page.
Personal and professional sabotage campaigns are used against individuals, such as those who are unwittingly in cover companies used by federal police powers for illegal spying, those who unwittingly complain about illegal police powers practices to police powers operations, and those who have identified this conduct and decided to be whistleblowers.
Undercover agents and officers specifically target, smear and destroy public reputations and careers through public set-ups, through whispering campaigns, directed violence, and by flashing a badge and a hint to create false impressions about targeted individuals. See Complaint paragraphs 419-534, 601-603, 823, 853 available on the
Courts Reject Federal Law page for a practical guide to these illegal methods of manufacturing career and reputation destruction by federal police powers, sometimes cooperating with state and local police powers in these targeted actions.
Think you might be a victim? See our practical suggestions at the bottom of this page.
Hacks Perps Patterns link:
Accountability for abuse by this illegal bioweapon program and the police powers racketeering crimes is completely lacking, part of an overall pattern of disparate treatment and DOJ excusing itself and other federal departments and agencies for internal corruption, documented on the four Punitive Police Powers pages beginning at
Think you might be a victim?
1. Check out It provides real life examples of the methods and techniques these perpetrators commonly use.
2. Review the Parties pdf download (paragraphs 102-226) at Specific known perpetrators are among those listed in the model and in the Parties pdf download.
3. Click the Project MindBreaker Perp Network model link at . This Perp Network undoubtedly existed beyond the places and times known to the current plaintiffs in this legal action, so new leads to potential perpetrators and victims are welcome.
The Project MindBreaker Perp Network model shows the relationships of known perpetrators illegally embedded in undercover roles in various businesses, religious groups, cooperatives, community and social organizations to some known victims. Explore this Perp Network model for the names and locations of known perpetrators to help determine whether you may have been victimized, to expand our lists of known perpetrators, and identify victims eligible for class action litigation.
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