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Signed in as:
America’s federal courts are supposed to be the place of last resort for citizens to redress grievances and secure their rights, including against their government, as guaranteed by the First Amendment and the Fifth Amendment. They were never intended to be a place of refuge for lawless conduct which many of our Founders fought and died to defeat in the Revolutionary War.
As our Founders declared on July 4, 1776 in Congress:
“In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”
Our federal courts were not created to be bastions of fraudulent concealment for inherited racketeering enterprises which have persisted as self-interested and self-promoting cabals. These cabals of groomed, selected, and privileged insiders, who have succeeded people like FBI's Hoover (who used FBI to conduct a war on the constitutional rights of some classes of Americans), have abused generations of American citizens and citizen soldiers from inside DOD, DOJ, CIA, and other federal police powers organizations.
These forms of corrupt self-interest in government were abhorrent to our Founders, as they proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence. The Founders clearly stated the 27 specific grievances which resulted in our Revolutionary War, beginning with the King's assertion of his unitary authority and self-interest by declaring that “He has….” abridged, blocked, stymied, frustrated, seized, and engaged in violence against us - so we must declare war to secure our rights to be free people. Today is not 1776, but we cannot tolerate corrupt self-interest among a few in government who trash the unalienable rights of the American People, else we will not remain a free people. My way or the highway does not work for Americans.
US District Courts Refuse To Consider Facts, Provide Specious Reasons To Dismiss
But generations of corrupt federal military, intelligence, police powers conduct have been and are embraced and persistently protected in practical terms by the actions, failures to act, and bad faith acts of United States federal courts, which have and do disregard and disobey both our laws and Supreme Court decisions they are required to follow. This specific case was filed for consideration before 12 federal district court judges over three years in a forensically driven sequence with an ever clearer pattern of facts and a broader set of valid claims. None of these judges would so much as deign to look the principal plaintiff in the eye in their own courtroom before waving the complaint away, often times deeming it frivolous.
Lethality crimes and attempts, criminal frames, financial and property frauds, and direct interference and sabotage of American businesses and family life, are documented in 110 specific categories which incorporate thousands of individual examples of a much larger pattern of egregious misconduct. The acts in this class litigation against racketeering and the illegal bioweapon were primarily perpetrated by federal government police powers. All this is documented in thousands of pages of facts, emails, bank statements, contracts, appointment notes, hacking and bioweapon assaults incident reports, other evidence. Directly relevant law, case law, and legal arguments are presented, along with the legal remedies available to remedy this complex, fraudulently concealed criminal enterprise which has not been disrupted by our police powers enforcement operations.
These disregarded and dismissed lawsuits in our federal courts include evidence of murderous conduct against children and grandchildren of military veterans. The entire matter has been studiously ignored, gone unread, dismissed absent serious consideration. In the Ninth Circuit, one judge even ludicrously accused this civil plaintiff of attempting to bring a criminal case against the government – the proper concept but one not available to a civil plaintiff as only governments can bring such a case. A judge would know that, as did this lead plaintiff, citing 18 U.S.C. § 1964 as the proper civil remedy for racketeering.
A federal district court judge in the Second Circuit also extinguished appeal rights. That Chief Judge made an unpaid appeal impossible for the deliberately impoverished plaintiff (Dennis) by noting that any appeal of her ruling would be made in bad faith, so a $600 filing fee would be required to appeal the case. She allowed the case could be refiled in her court – but only if all six decades of fraudulent concealment and 54 legal claims could be argued in a maximum of twenty pages, which would include the 9 page caption required simply to list the names of the defendants in proper legal form, and the 16 page Table of Contents added so the parties could find their way through this complex set of claims and legal arguments. She used six pages to announce those two points – refile, in 20 pages only - then did it again after being politely requested to reconsider this arbitrary requirement, which is found nowhere in any federal court rule nor any federal law.
US Appeals Courts Affirm Errors of Law As Not Being Errors of Law
The District of Columbia Court of Appeals and Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals summarily dismissed appeals. Their three judge appellate panels disregarded both law and the specific case law which governs these complaints by impoverished people as these federal district courts which these appeals court’s review failed such legal basics as (i) providing the mandated opinions required for intelligent appellate review, and ignored irregularities such as (ii) recycling an old opinion which did not even reference the specific complaint before it, (iii) refusing electronic filing and insisting on printing of 13,000 pages of mandated evidence, (iii) failing to even look at evidence before dismissing it, and (iv) failing to take the time to merely read the complaint before dismissing all 54 claims and 110 examples of racketeering acts and rights violations.
All these bad faith acts and errors of federal district courts were affirmed by federal appeals court panels as no error of law. The Fifth Circuit, which covers Texas and Louisiana, cited its Rule 47.6 to simply refuse to offer any legal reason for their dismissal. After refusing to rehear, the Fifth Circuit then went still further and used uniquely slow week-long mail delivery delays to attempt to extinguish all appeals rights, even after it had been specifically notified in writing of those mailing delays which had recurred time after time and were unique to mail service from New Orleans to New Jersey (7-8 days, compared to 3 days from Amarillo, Texas, more distant from NJ than New Orleans).
The Fifth Circuit’s decision was dated December 30, mailed December 31, the day before the New Year holiday, so that further delay was also used in bad faith to be as certain as possible that appeals rights would be extinguished. The decision arrived on January 10, three days after the decision was final and cannot be appealed – but obviously a bad faith act. An urgent motion was filed requesting reversal as the seven day appeal period had been exhausted. Upon pointing out the pattern and this bad faith act politely yet again, the Fifth Circuit reaffirmed their action and clear intent to extinguish Fifth Circuit appeals rights. A Supreme Court petition to appeal has been filed anyway to dispute the clear bad faith act and the wrongful decision.
This pattern of Fifth Circuit malpractice will almost certainly adversely affect the rights of literally millions of military veterans and their dependents, intentionally depriving these millions of their rights to make legal claims against lawless behavior of Army, DOJ, and other government agencies in the Fifth Circuit (Texas and Louisiana), where these illegal acts have been perpetrated since at least the 1960s when Dennis’ uncle served there. Over 100,000 service members and their dependents currently serve and millions more have served in principal defendant Army alone.
US Supreme Court Uses Procedural Exceptions, Favors Certain Institutions
The first Supreme Court petition in 2023, related to the initial District of Columbia cases, was not heard. While the Supreme Court’s decision to hear these petitions is at their option, the matter at hand is of crucial national import – rights crimes and racketeering crimes of all kinds, from religious discrimination, and family and enterprise wrecking to and including indirect murders using the bioweapon by the hand of an innocent third party – which are all being hidden as state secrets by federal military, intelligence, and police powers officials exploiting that secrecy. A second petition, relating to the wrongful Fifth Circuit decision in late 2024, is now before them.
The case presents clear conflicts of interest for certain members of the Court. Some of the illegal actions in question occurred at the direction of the President while members of this Court were serving in the White House Counsel’s Office during the Bush 43 administration. The systematic wrecking of Dennis occurred in the 2002-2005 run up to unconstitutional acts of war against Russian leadership managed by Ambassador to Russia Burns (CIA) from late 2005-2008. Burns was also directly responsible for racketeering and rights acts, violations, and injuries against Dennis and other probable plaintiffs between 1980 and 1996.
The Supreme Court has used technical process evasions in the recent past to deprive rights where government interests conflict with the interests of injured parties. Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662 (2009) concerned an extremely disfavored person, a convicted terrorist. Iqbal had a torture claim against CIA, valid under the 1984 Torture Treaty to which the United States is a signatory. Article 14 requires civil remedies for torture victims. While he never would have personally benefitted from the torture claim as a convicted felon, it was valid as a claim nonetheless under law. Those rights were functionally extinguished by a Supreme Court procedural maneuver, which denied evidentiary rights to the convicted terrorist, effectively ending the case by a procedural dodge as the torture occurred at a CIA “black” site in another country.
Those same issues arise in this matter – torture, and bad faith procedural acts, this time by the Fifth Circuit, clearly intended to deny appeal rights. Dennis’ indirect torture by federal authorities using the illegal bioweapon and coercive field operations, all of which are racketeering acts under law, occurred at “white” sites - Kirkland, WA, Boston, MA, and in New Jersey. Those procedural dodges in bad faith by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals were attempts to deprive the plaintiff’s rights of an American citizen.
Dennis does have one unpaid $10 parking ticket from 2002, but none of the police powers entrapment attempts has ever succeeded, all lethality attempts over the years have failed, and he has never yet been arrested or legally detained for anything by anyone ever - whereas this legal action was brought repeatedly from 2021-2024 in ever increasing detail against systematic criminal misconduct primarily by government, and this pattern of criminal acts has been protected from prosecution at least since he was 5 years old (69 now) by the acts and failures to act of self-interested public officials in the US Justice Department.
Dennis’ January 28, 2025 petition for a Supreme Court hearing could be denied due to the bad faith acts of the Fifth Circuit. It remains to be seen whether the religious discrimination, rights, and racketeering acts in the 54 specific legal claims in this case will be extinguished in a manner similar to that used by the Supreme Court against the convicted terrorist, Iqbal, to legally silence those claims.
Practical Adverse Impacts Of Procedural Legal Dodges On Millions Of Americans
A deprivation of Dennis’ religious rights by exploiting this Fifth Circuit’s bad faith act to claim there is no Supreme Court petition right in this matter would provide a foundation and permission structure for the Fifth Circuit to use its abusive Rule 47.6 to claim no error of law and make no explanation of its reasons and to extinguish the claims of millions who have faithfully served and their dependents and descendants. We simply don’t know how many have been affected over the past sixty plus years – it’s a “state secret" and this state (federal government) has a long-running pattern of repeatedly destroying criminal evidence in its own crimes.
One Tragic Example Among Many
Dennis’ uncle served in the US Army in the Fifth Circuit in the 1960s. Decades later, his adverse selection through religious discrimination against him and his dependents then, led to his 18 year old granddaughter being killed in a likely bioweapon attack on September 6, 2011 in Walla Walla, Washington, using the hand of a never violent third party in a love triangle.
This murder occurred just as command authority changed at CIA to former four-star Army General Petraeus just a few hours after she died early that morning. That CIA Director former Army General then resigned 14 months later over a classified information leak to his love triangle adulterous military lover-biographer.
Case solved? No - classified information. The 18 year old granddaughter died. The never before violent woman went to prison. Their male lover walked away. The bioweapon is a “state secret” and was unknown to local law enforcement. Federal secrecy laws meant that, even if the bioweapon indirect killer perpetrators were known, no one would disclose the underlying cause of this murder to uncleared local law enforcement without risking imprisonment. State sponsored murder, a practical field test of a secret tool of violence on an American granddaughter - covered up by our federal government. And a love triangle intelligence community tradecraft rhyme - a just retired Army general officer promoted to CIA just as a former Army enlisted member suffers the love triangle casualty in his family – sick to be sure, and worthy of any corrupt secret police operation anywhere in the totalitarian world.
So, that’s an example of the practical impact - a prerogative of a corrupted bureaucracy and integrity challenged people of government rank and stature. As for the "unalienable" constitutional rights of individuals under the Bill of Rights, the Thirteenth and the Fourteenth Amendments - are they to be extinguished by affirming a bad faith procedural dodge by a Court of Appeals, along with many other criminal acts of government as it has and does operate illegal programs without constitutional authority over decades - by our Supreme Court? Time will tell.
Our Justice System Fails Us Time And Again – Remote, Inaccessible, Failing To Redress Rights When Americans Are Wronged By Favored Institutions
When our American justice system has been presented with these federal government criminal conduct issues in clear and transparent form, it has and does reject them time after time. Our federal courts have so far behaved exactly this way yet again - 20 district and appeals court judges on 15 occasions without exception - rejecting claims while ignoring lawless and unconstitutional acts of senior government officials who conceal racketeering acts as state secrets.
This pattern is completely consistent, and completely wrong - just as it was in CIA/Army MKUltra’s 100 million doses of LSD most secretly administered without consent in the American population, FBI Cointelpro’s violent civil rights violations and targeted domestic sabotage program, DOE’s secret nuclear radiation poisonings, church and Boy Scout pedophilia scandals, and the systematic crimes of other powerful institutions. These institutional perpetrators nearly always spend decades and millions of dollars loudly proclaiming their innocence, engaging in coverups and evidence destruction to conceal their conduct, and working diligently to blame, scandalize, and discredit their victims.
This is classic criminal behavior with a bureaucratic twist – blame the victim, promise to look into it, and sustain the status quo - all repeated endlessly over decades by a corrupt cabal operating inside government, and abusing Americans including others who faithfully serve, while this cabal claims that this secrecy is imperative to the nation – when it is actually only imperative to perpetuating and protecting the corrupt cabal itself.
And our federal courts?
About 88% of federal judges are former DOJ prosecutors. Nominations of federal judges can be blocked from being confirmed by a single Senator from that state. This DOJ to federal judge pipeline and Senate “blue slip” blocking of judicial nominations has effectively protected the federal government from being directly accountable to victims of illegal government programs for decades.
And, of course, some Senators (which also include former DOJ prosecutors) aspire to their political party's nomination and sometimes become President, so they have no interest in exposing these kinds of scandals, abuses, and destruction of American families and businesses by the federal government.
As John Marshall, the second Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court wrote:
“The government of the United States has been emphatically termed a government of laws, and not of men. It will certainly cease to deserve this high appellation, if the laws furnish no remedy for the violation of a vested legal right.” Marbury v. Madison (1803)