Signed in as:
Signed in as:
The current federal court case and related documents (downloadable below) explain how the illegal brain HACKS by the bioweapon actually happen. American citizens and soldiers were abused in illegal human experiments without their consent. This violates constitutional rights, federal law, and a 1972 international treaty the US negotiated and ratified. These rights violations have been and are by PERPS, actually well-known key federal officials in DOJ, CIA, and DOD who have been involved in managing and operating this illegal program since the 1960s, as named in documents below.
The specific PATTERNS of racketeering crimes and felony abuses of constitutional rights by DOJ, FBI, CIA, Army, DOD, and police powers departments and agencies - which have been repeatedly used to destroy families, businesses, careers and personal reputations - used to cover up the program of illegal human subject biomedical experiments on American citizens are described.
The direct roles of federal, state, and local governments, of police powers agencies, of schools from elementary to high school as well as universities, all of whom participated in various ways to carry out this illegal program are also identified. Similar biomedical technology which is being tested in FDA approved human trials and benefits disabled people is included in the last file below, the Synchron download.
There are minor updates to the court documents listed here which have been made after the Complaint was filed in the Northern District of Texas. Those and other updates to certain defendants related to certain claims will be reflected in the next amendments when filed with a court. See for updated information on this progression of suppression by the federal government.
Some documents may have been hacked by vandalism, typically CIA or Army cyber. Legal references, citations, verb tenses, and word modifications from proper grammar to out of context and nonsensical phrasing, are among the most common forms of vandalism you may note in these documents.